
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Installing Win XP Pro via UFD (Universal Flash Device)

This small tutorial is designed to help those in need of installing Microsoft Windows XP on any PC that is capable of booting from a UFD (USB Flash Device). Hopefully, you will find this as easy and problem free as I have.

I must send out thanks to the people at, as that is where I learned how to perform this installation technique. Please, visit their site and instruction guide at:

The site includes hundreds of posts with problems and answers, as well as some technical details that I have left out.

For my experiment, I used the following:

· PNY 4 gig UFD

· Kingston 1 gig UFD

· Frankenstein home PC – running legit copy of Win XP Pro

· Win XP Pro – store bought (this makes sense if you understand the technical problems with copied discs as described on the site)

· Compaq TC1000 Tablet PC – as the first installed to system

· Sony Vaio PCG-FRV37

I hope you have fun with this! I did.



Prior to starting your work you will need to gather the following files/hardware:

1. Insert UFD to any open USB port

2. Create a workspace folder

a. I created a folder on my desktop called – USB OS Load Workspace

3. Extract the following files to your workspace folder


b. (I used v3.0.0.7 for my install)


4. Copy the PeToUSB executable file into the USB_prep8 folder

5. Within the USB_prep8 folder run the usb_prep8.cmd file by double clicking

a. Running the file will give a window that looks like this:

6. As instructed press any key to continue resulting in the following window:

7. Click “Start”

8. Click “Yes” to continue popup

9. Click “Yes” to format warning popup

10. Click “OK” to successful completion popup

11. After format is complete DO NOT close the window for PeToUSB

NOTE: When format is complete it will open a window displaying the contents of your flash disk. Close this window. An open window will prevent bootsect.exe from locking the drive and writing the bootsector correctly

12. Click on Start menu and click run – type cmd and press enter

13. Navigate via “CD” to folder where bootsect is stored (see step 2 and 3)

14. Once in your folder where the bootsect files are stored enter the following command

a. Bootsect.exe/nt52 J:

i. NOTE: in line of code above substitute the J: for the drive letter of your UFD that you want to copy OS setup files to

15. Press Enter

16. Ensure that “Successfully updated FAT filesystem bootcode.” message appears

17. Type Exit and press Enter to close cmd window

18. Click Close on the PeToUSB window

19. Within the usb_prep8.cmd window enter 1 and press enter

20. Within the Browse For Folder window navigate to drive where Win XP CD or .iso is located and click OK

21. Within the usb_prep8.cmd window enter 2 and press enter

22. Enter any UNUSED drive letter to create a Virtual Temp Drive

23. Within the usb_prep8.cmd window enter 3 and press enter

24. Enter the drive letter of your chosen UFD – pay attention to enter same drive letter as you entered in Step 14 – and press Enter

25. Within the usb_prep8.cmd window enter 4 and press enter

26. Enter “Y” at command line to proceed with format and press enter

27. Ensure that you get message that formatting you Temp Drive was successful – Steps 21 and 22

28. Press any key to continue operation

29. Select “Yes” to Copy to USB Drive popup window

30. After setup files have copied to drive click on “Yes” for Change Migrate.inf popup window

31. Click on “Yes” to unmount virtual drive

32. Within the usb_prep8.cmd window press any key to continue

33. Within the usb_prep8.cmd window press any key to exit

34. Now take the newly formatted UFD and set target PC to boot from UFD and install

35. At first boot select Option 1 (the second option oddly enough) for text mode setup

36. From here it’s the same as a normal Win XP setup – when the text mode setup portion completes and system reboots select Option 2 (the first option) for GUI setup



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